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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Application Withdrawn?

Hi, I recently found out that my application has been withdrawn from one of the colleges I applied to. Could someone provide some possible reasons why this happened and what I could do to fix the situation? I'm a little stressed about it. Thank you!

a year ago

I understand how stressful this situation must be for you. There could be a few reasons why your application was withdrawn. It's possible that there might have been an issue with your application materials (e.g., incomplete or missing documents) or a misunderstanding regarding a deadline. Another possibility is that it was withdrawn accidentally, in which case the admissions office should be able to assist you.

The best course of action would be to contact the admissions office at the college as soon as possible. Make sure to remain polite but express your concerns about the withdrawn application. It's important to provide your application information (e.g., applicant ID, name, etc.) and ask for clarification on the reason your application was withdrawn, as well as any steps you can take to potentially reinstate it.

Keep in mind that every college has different policies and procedures, so it would be wise to follow their guidance. If your application cannot be reinstated, you might want to consider focusing on other college options while ensuring that your applications to those schools are complete and submitted on time. Best of luck!

a year ago

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