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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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ACT to SAT Conversion: What's a 17 ACT score equivalent to in SAT?

Hi everyone! I've got a 17 on my ACT, and I'm wondering what it would be equivalent to in the SAT scoring system. I've seen different conversion charts online, so I'm a bit confused. Can anyone help me understand how to covert my score and what range I should aim to improve?

9 months ago

Hey there! Converting your ACT score to an SAT score can be a bit confusing since different sources might provide slightly different conversion charts. However, a 17 ACT score is approximately equivalent to an SAT score in the range of 900-930.

When it comes to improving your score, consider your target schools and their average test scores for admitted students. This can give you a better idea of what range you should aim for in order to have a competitive application. At some schools, you may already be in their desired range, while at others, you may need to hit the study books.

Once you have a target score in mind, create a study plan to help you reach that goal. Consider using resources like practice tests, test-prep books, and online resources such as Khan Academy. They offer free test-prep materials that you can utilize to improve your test scores. Don't forget to give yourself ample time to study and practice before retaking the test.

Remember that colleges often use a holistic review process, so your test scores are just one component of your application. But, improving your scores can definitely help boost your overall application! Good luck!

9 months ago

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