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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Ideas for Virtual Volunteering?

With everything going on, I'm finding it hard to find volunteer opportunities to boost my application. What are some virtual volunteer opportunities that might be good for high school students? Would really appreciate your suggestions!

9 months ago

I understand the difficulty of finding virtual volunteer opportunities, but fear not, there are still many options for high school students! Here are some ideas to get you started:

1. Tutoring: Many students could use extra help with remote learning. Offer your expertise in specific subjects to younger students or your peers. You can sign up at websites like Tutor.com or School on Wheels, or you could even start your own online tutoring service.

2. Virtual writing: Write articles for a nonprofit or your school newspaper. Writing skills are valuable and can make a significant impact by raising awareness about pressing issues or non-profit organizations.

3. Social media management: If you're savvy with social media platforms, you can help manage social media accounts for nonprofits or small businesses. This can help them build awareness and engage with their target audience.

4. Coding or website design: If you have technical skills, consider offering your services to create or improve websites for nonprofits or community organizations. Helping them with a professional online presence can make a big difference.

5. Online mentoring: Offer your support and guidance to younger students as an online mentor. Become a Big Brother or Big Sister through organizations like Big Brothers Big Sisters of America.

6. Translations: If you're bilingual or multilingual, volunteer to translate documents or provide language assistance for organizations serving non-English speaking communities.

7. Virtual phone banks: Assist organizations with phone call campaigns, such as checking on seniors, spreading information about local resources, or even political campaigns.

Always remember to focus on quality over quantity. Choose virtual volunteer opportunities that align with your interests and will showcase your dedication, commitment, and growth.

Best of luck with your volunteering endeavors!

9 months ago

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