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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Majoring in Pharmacy: Is it a thing?

I'm interested in pharmacy, but I'm not sure if it is an actual major. Can someone clarify if I can major in pharmacy or if there are specific programs I need to look into?

9 months ago

While pharmacy is not typically a major itself, there are specific programs designed to prepare you for a career in the field. These programs often fall under the broader umbrella of pre-pharmacy or pharmaceutical sciences.

Pre-pharmacy programs are typically two-year programs that prepare you to apply to a Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) program. Pharmaceutical sciences majors, on the other hand, could lead to various careers within the industry, including research, drug development, and more.

For those interested in becoming a pharmacist, pursuing a Bachelor's degree in a related field (such as chemistry or biology) and completing the necessary prerequisites will be important to getting accepted into a PharmD program. PharmD programs usually take four years to complete post-bachelor's and involve both academic coursework and experiential components, such as internships and clinical rotations.

9 months ago

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