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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What exactly is a mid-year report?

Are any of you familiar with what a mid-year report entails? What information does it include and how can I make sure it's submitted to the colleges I'm applying to? Thanks!

a year ago

A mid-year report is an essential part of the college application process for many schools. It's a form that your high school counselor typically submits after the first semester of your senior year. The report includes your grades for that semester, and in some cases, any significant changes to your class schedule or academic performance.

The purpose of the mid-year report is to give colleges an updated snapshot of your academic standing. It helps them assess how you're progressing in your last year of high school and can impact their admissions decisions, especially if there are significant changes in your academic performance.

To make sure your mid-year report is submitted, you should talk to your high school counselor. They are usually responsible for submitting it on your behalf. Make a note of the deadlines for each college you're applying to, and provide those dates to your counselor well in advance to avoid any delays. Additionally, don't forget to follow up with your counselor to confirm that the report has been submitted.

a year ago

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