I've heard that for Brown University, an application video is optional. Has anyone submitted one, and if so, do you think it helped your application? Just curious about others experiences before I decide whether to make one or not.
While it's challenging to determine the exact impact that the video has on any particular application, students who submit the video generally believe it to be a beneficial addition to their profile. The video provides students with an opportunity to showcase their personality and highlight some unique aspects that may not have been easily captured in the written application.
Remember, it is entirely optional, and if you feel like your application already conveys who you are effectively, you don't need to submit a video. However, if you think you can express something new, engaging, and insightful about yourself through a video, it could be a helpful addition to your application.
Be sure that the video complements your application rather than just reiterating information. Creativity and authenticity are essential, so consider what talents, hobbies, or perspectives you could share that would make you stand out. Check out Brown's ideas for prompts you could address in the video: https://admission.brown.edu/first-year/video-introduction
Ultimately, the decision is yours. If you do decide to create a video, just ensure it aligns with your overall application and authentically represents who you are. Good luck!
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