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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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UCLA Biomedical Engineering major—what's it like?

I'm really interested in applying to UCLA for Biomedical Engineering. Can anyone shed some light on the program? How are the faculty, research opportunities, and the overall experience? Also, if you're in the program, what do you like/dislike about it?

9 months ago

Hey! It's important to note that UCLA offers a Bioengineering program rather than a Biomedical Engineering program. These are similar fields, with the main difference being the focus biomedical engineering places on the healthcare industry.

At UCLA, the bioengineering faculty is generally knowledgeable and supportive, with many having practical experience in industry. Research opportunities are plentiful, especially given UCLA's strong connections to labs, hospitals, and research institutions. Many students get involved in research projects throughout their time at UCLA, which can potentially lead to internships and job opportunities.

As for the overall experience, it's generally positive. The program has a strong curriculum that combines engineering, biology, and medicine. Students seem to appreciate the mix of theoretical and hands-on learning experiences. That being said, just like any program, it can be quite challenging and demanding, so you'll need to stay on top of your studies and balance your time well.

Overall, it's a highly regarded program with a lot of excellent resources and opportunities. Check out the official site of the department here: https://www.bioeng.ucla.edu/

9 months ago

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