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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Amazing Summer Internships for High School Students?

Hey everyone! I'm a junior and I'd like to get an internship this summer to boost my college applications. Any recommendations for great summer internships for high school students? I'm open to any field, but I'm particularly interested in STEM. Thanks in advance!

9 months ago

Hey there! Finding a summer internship is a fantastic way to gain hands-on experience and showcase your interests to colleges. Since you're particularly interested in STEM, I have a few recommendations for you to explore:

1. Summer Science Enrichment Programs: These programs, often held at colleges and universities, provide hands-on lab experiences and classes on various STEM subjects. Examples are MIT's Research Science Institute or the Stanford Institutes of Medicine Summer Research Program.

2. Local Research Opportunities: Reach out to local universities, community colleges, or STEM-based organizations to inquire about openings or internships. Professors or researchers might be willing to take on a high school intern, especially if you express enthusiasm and dedication.

3. Company Internships: Check out internship opportunities that companies offer specifically to high school students. Some tech giants like Google have summer programs such as Google Computer Science Summer Institute for high school seniors.

As a side note, keep an eye out for deadlines and application requirements, as many of these opportunities may have a competitive application process. Don't forget to network with your teachers, coaches, or counselors, as they could have connections or further suggestions for you.

Make sure to also explore other opportunities in your local area. Sometimes, smaller businesses or organizations may offer unique internships that are less competitive but just as valuable.

Finally, check out CollegeVine's many articles full of internship opportunities. Here are two articles that may be of interest to you:

- https://blog.collegevine.com/14-awesome-internships-for-high-school-students

- https://blog.collegevine.com/stem-internships-for-high-schoolers

Good luck on your search, and I hope you find something that you're passionate about!

9 months ago

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