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Yale Essay Help: How to approach these prompts?

Hey everyone! I'm applying to Yale, and I'm not sure how to tackle their essay prompts. Can any current Yale students or successful applicants give me some advice on where to start? What were some of the topics you wrote about?

9 months ago

Hey! Congrats on applying to Yale. I understand the essay prompts can be a bit daunting, but don't worry, we can break them down. First, brainstorm your interests, values, and experiences that you think are unique to you.

One approach is to focus on your 'spike,' or an area of immense passion and achievement. Use that as the centerpiece of your essays and showcase your depth of involvement in that field.

When tackling the 'Why Yale' essay, make sure to do thorough research on the specific programs and opportunities unique to Yale that align with your interests. Connect those resources to your own background, goals, and experiences.

For the short answer questions, it's crucial to be genuine and concise. Keep your responses focused on your own experiences and try to avoid generic answers.

Remember that the key is to let your personality shine through your writing. You want Yale to see you as a real person, not just a collection of facts or accomplishments.

For more on tackling all of Yale's supplemental prompts, check out this CollegeVine guide: https://blog.collegevine.com/how-to-write-the-yale-university-essays

Good luck with your application! I am sure you will come up with a unique and authentic essay to show your fit for Yale.

9 months ago

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