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Difficulty of SAT English section?

Hi everyone! I'm starting to prep for the SAT, and I'm curious about how hard the English section is. What kind of challenges should I expect, and are there any tips to help me excel in this part of the test?

9 months ago

Hey there! I'm glad to hear you're getting started on SAT prep. The English section, also known as the Evidence-Based Reading and Writing section, consists of two parts: Reading and Writing & Language.

For the Reading section, expect to analyze passages from various subjects (such as literature, history, and science) and answer multiple-choice questions about them. Main challenges include understanding complex text, dealing with time pressure, and inferring the intended meaning of the text.

The Writing & Language section focuses on grammar, punctuation, and effective writing techniques. Challenges include revising sentences to improve their flow, correcting grammatical errors, and choosing the right words to convey the intended meaning.

Here are some tips to excel in the English section:

1. Improve your reading speed by practicing with challenging texts.

2. Familiarize yourself with common grammar and punctuation rules.

3. Understand the structure of the SAT and practice with official College Board materials.

4. Annotate passages as you read to help with comprehension and remember key points.

5. Manage your time wisely during the test.

Good luck with your SAT preparation!

9 months ago

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