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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is a 3.1 GPA good for university applications?

Hi everyone, I have a 3.1 GPA and I'm a junior. Is this GPA considered good enough for university applications? If not, what are some ways I can improve my application to make up for my GPA?

9 months ago

Hi there! A 3.1 GPA may not be seen as highly competitive at top universities, but it certainly doesn't prevent you from getting into a good college. To improve your application, focus on other aspects such as your standardized test scores, extracurricular activities, and essays.

Taking rigorous courses, like AP or Honors classes, and doing well in them can help demonstrate your academic potential to admission officers. Additionally, try to develop a passion or 'spike' to stand out from other applicants.

Extracurriculars are important. Aim to be actively involved in a few activities, ideally showing dedication and leadership. Colleges appreciate students who show commitment and growth in their areas of interest.

Lastly, make sure to allocate enough time for writing impactful essays. A great essay can showcase your personal qualities, strengths, and unique experiences that may not be evident from your GPA alone.

Best of luck with your college applications!

9 months ago

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