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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Quick summary of the differences between the new SAT and old SAT?

I've heard a lot about the changes between the old SAT and the new SAT, but I haven't found a quick summary of the differences. Could someone give me a brief rundown of how they compare?

9 months ago

Sure, I'd be happy to provide a quick summary of the differences between the old SAT and the new SAT. The new SAT, introduced in 2016, has a few key changes compared to its predecessor:

1. Scoring: The new SAT has a highest possible score of 1600, while the old SAT's maximum score was 2400. The new SAT consists of two main sections, Math and Evidence-Based Reading and Writing, scored on a scale of 200-800. Additionally, the essay is now optional and scored separately.

2. Test format: The new SAT's two main sections break down into four subsections—Reading, Writing and Language, Math (No Calculator), and Math (Calculator). The old SAT had three sections—Critical Reading, Writing, and Math.

3. Content: The new SAT puts more emphasis on real-world problem-solving and evidence-based reading, and the vocabulary tested is more practical and less obscure.

I hope this helps clarify the main differences!

9 months ago

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