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Discussing an inspiring academic subject

Hey guys! I'm working on a college application essay where I need to write about an academic subject that inspires me. I'm not sure how to start or choose the right topic. Can you share any advice or examples on how you approached this prompt? Thanks!

a year ago

Hey there! Selecting a topic for this essay can be a little tricky, but it's important to choose something truly meaningful to you. Reflect on subjects that genuinely excite you or have made a lasting impact on your interests and goals.

Think about the moments when you were most engaged and passionate about learning. For example, maybe you found your inspiration in a biology class when you studied genetics. Perhaps you were fascinated by the idea of how our DNA makes us who we are and how it can influence our health. In your essay, you might discuss your curiosity and how it drove you to do a research project, eventually leading you to want to pursue a major in genetics.

While the example stems from biology class, your inspiration might come from art, history, math, or something else entirely. Think about what genuinely moves you, and let that guide your essay. Good luck!

a year ago

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