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Is majoring in sociology difficult?

Hey guys, I'm starting to think about potential college majors, and sociology has caught my interest. I've heard mixed opinions about the difficulty of the major. Can anyone shed some light on their experiences or what they've heard about studying sociology in college?

a year ago

Hi there! Picking a college major can be an exciting but challenging decision, and it's great that you're exploring sociology as an option. As with any major, the difficulty depends on a few factors: your personal interests, academic strengths, and the specific program at the college you'll be attending.

In general, sociology can be seen as a manageable major for those who enjoy analyzing patterns, trends, and relationships between people and society. The coursework usually involves a mix of qualitative and quantitative research methods, so it can be a great fit if you're comfortable in both areas. One thing to know is that sociology courses tend to involve a fair amount of reading and writing, so if that appeals to you, it could be a good fit.

The best way to gauge whether sociology is the right major for you is to try taking an introductory course or even reaching out to current sociology students at the colleges you're interested in. Good luck!

a year ago

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