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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Raising my GPA in one year?

Hey everyone! I'm going into my senior year of high school and I'm a bit stressed. How much can I realistically raise my GPA in one year, and is it enough to make a difference for college applications?

a year ago

Hi there! There are definitely ways to improve your GPA in your senior year, although the impact may not be as substantial as if you had done it earlier.

First and foremost, focus on performing well in your classes. If you're struggling, seek out extra help from your teacher, a study group, or even a personal tutor if you can find one.

Additionally, try to take rigorous courses if you can, as more challenging classes can give your weighted GPA a bump. Plus, colleges look favorably upon students who push themselves, so even if you don't raise your GPA all that much, showing that you can handle more difficult coursework is a plus.

You can find a few more tips about how to raise your GPA on CollegeVine's blog:

Finally, while aiming to raise your GPA is certainly not a bad idea, remember that college applications are more than just your GPA. Make sure to have strong extracurriculars, recommendation letters, and a compelling personal essay. All these aspects combined can help make up for a lower GPA, so investing in them may be more productive than toiling away to raise your GPA just a tiny bit.

Good luck with your senior year!

a year ago

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