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Pre-Law Requisites

I want to pursue law after I graduate college. Does anyone have insight on courses or extracurriculars I should focus on during high school to better prepare myself for a pre-law undergraduate program? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

It's good to see that you're considering your future in law early on! While there isn't a specific set of high school courses or extracurriculars that are required for pre-law undergraduate programs, you can focus on areas that will help you build a strong foundation for future success in law school.

1. Courses: Focus on subjects that will help you develop critical thinking, reading, writing, and analytical skills. These may include Advanced Placement (AP) courses in English, history, government, and social sciences. Taking courses in a foreign language may also be beneficial, as it can help you communicate effectively with diverse clients in a legal context.

2. Extracurriculars: Participating in activities that demonstrate your interest in law, public policy, or social justice can be advantageous. Examples include joining the debate team, becoming involved in student government, participating in mock trial, or volunteering for a local political campaign or nonprofit organization.

3. Internships and job shadowing: Look for opportunities to intern at a law firm, government agency, nonprofit organization, or with a judge. This will give you valuable exposure to the legal profession and may help you secure strong recommendation letters when you apply to law school. Additionally, consider job shadowing a lawyer to gain insight into the day-to-day life of a legal professional.

4. Summer programs: There are pre-college summer programs that focus on legal studies or government. These programs provide a glimpse into the field of law and may help you further solidify your interests before entering college.

When applying to college, ensure you select schools that offer strong pre-law programs and resources. Once you're in college, consider majoring in a subject that interests you and further hones the necessary skills for law school, such as political science, history, English, or philosophy.

Remember that your involvement and achievements in high school and college are crucial, as law schools use a holistic review process that considers both your academic success and extracurricular experiences. Give your all in everything you pursue, and you'll be well-prepared for a pre-law undergraduate program and beyond. Good luck!

a year ago

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