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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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MIT Application Process?

Hey guys, I'm getting ready to apply to MIT and I was hoping y'all could help me out. What does the application process look like and what should I be doing to increase my chances of getting accepted? Any tips or resources would be greatly appreciated!

9 months ago

Hey there! Applying to MIT can definitely be an exciting and challenging experience. To start, you'll want to use the MIT application platform, which is separate from the Common App, to submit all your required materials. The application includes your personal and academic information, essays, letters of recommendation, standardized test scores (if you choose to submit them), and a list of your extracurricular activities.

To increase your chances, focus on showcasing your passion for the subject areas you're interested in and how your pursuits have led you to excel in them. Rather than being a well-rounded candidate, MIT (like many top colleges) appreciates a 'spike,' or deep expertise in a specific area. Focusing on your strengths and unique skills can help propel your application.

In the essays, try to tell your story in a way that highlights your dedication to learning. This doesn't always have to be strictly academic; it can also show your personal growth and curiosity. Avoid cliches and write from a genuine, personal perspective; admissions officers want to get to know the real you.

Strong letters of recommendation also help, so make sure to ask teachers or mentors who know you well and can vouch for your abilities and character. Additionally, you might want to consider applying Early Action. While it isn't binding, like Early Decision at other schools, applying early can demonstrate your interest in and commitment to MIT.

I recommend checking out resources like CollegeVine for additional guidance and helpful tips, as well as MIT's own admissions website for what they specifically value in a candidate. Talking to current or past MIT students can also give you valuable insights into the application process. Best of luck!

9 months ago

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