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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's something unique that inspires you?

I'm working on my Yale application, and I just realized they want to know what inspires me. Could you guys share what inspired you or how you approached this question? I need some inspiration myself, haha!

a year ago

Hey there! Instead of focusing on something big or general like a famous person or a historical event, you might try to find inspiration in a more personal and unique experience.

For example, consider a hypothetical essay about how a student's love for cooking was sparked by his grandmother's recipes. In a broader sense, perhaps she inspired his passion for learning about different cultures through food and experimenting with new ingredients. This passion may extend to how the student approaches learning in general, with curiosity and the willingness to take risks. By focusing the essay on a more personal element, the response feels more genuine and unique to your own experiences.

To find your inspiration, think about the moments in your life that made you realize something important or sparked a passion, whether it's academic or personal. Reflect on your hobbies, relationships, or specific experiences. The more personal and honest your response, the more it'll help you stand out in the admissions process.

Also check out this CollegeVine guide to writing the Yale supplemental essays:

Good luck!

a year ago

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