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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Your Go-To Teaching Tools and Aids?

As a high school student, I always appreciate when teachers use innovative tools and aids in the classroom. I'm curious to know your favorite teaching tools and aids that have helped you learn better. This could be useful when suggesting ideas to my teachers!

9 months ago

It's awesome that you're looking to gather ideas to suggest to your teachers! Here are a few teaching tools and aids that I've found helpful during my time as a student:

1. Kahoot!: An interactive quiz platform that allows students to compete with each other in a game-like format. This can make learning more engaging and provide instant feedback.

2. Padlet: A digital bulletin board where students can share ideas, images, and links. This can be an effective way to collaborate and brainstorm during group projects or class discussions.

3. Quizlet: A study tool that allows you to create digital flashcards and various games to help with memorization. It's great for studying vocabulary, concepts, or any other material that requires memorization.

4. Edpuzzle: This platform takes instructional videos and allows teachers to add questions and pause points throughout, keeping students more engaged and checking for understanding.

5. Collaborative documents (such as Google Docs, Google Slides): These tools allow multiple students to work together in real-time on documents or presentations, promoting collaboration and team-based learning.

Feel free to share these teaching tools and aids with your teachers, and hopefully, they'll incorporate some of them into their lessons!

9 months ago

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