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AP Physics C prerequisites

Hi everyone! I was considering taking AP Physics C next year and I heard it's pretty challenging. What are some of the prerequisites I should have covered before attempting the class? Also, if you could recommend any resources to help me get a head start, that would be awesome!

a year ago

Hey there! It's true that AP Physics C can be quite challenging, but it's also a rewarding experience if you're interested in physics. One of the most important prerequisites for this class is having a strong background in calculus, as AP Physics C heavily relies on it. Make sure you've taken or are enrolled in a calculus course before taking AP Physics C.

Another helpful prerequisite is having some prior knowledge in introductory physics. If you haven't taken a physics class before, you might want to consider taking AP Physics 1 or another physics course first. However, if you're confident in your math skills and are willing to put in extra effort, you can still tackle AP Physics C without prior physics experience.

As for resources, CollegeBoard offers materials that can help you get started, including course outlines and practice problems. Also, check out CollegeVine's blog posts and guides related to AP Physics C. Additionally, websites like Khan Academy and Physics Classroom are great resources for building your foundational knowledge in physics. Best of luck preparing for AP Physics C!

a year ago

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