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Finding paid internships near me for high school students

Hey everyone! I'm a high school junior, and I'm interested in finding a paid internship in my area. Does anyone have advice on places to search for internships for high school students? Any websites or specific companies you can recommend? Thanks in advance!

9 months ago

Hi there! It's great that you're interested in finding a paid internship during your high school years. This kind of experience can certainly help you develop valuable skills and make connections in your field of interest. Here are a few suggestions to help you search for internships:

1. Local companies: Look for companies in your area that have programs specifically designed for high school students. You can search for them online or reach out to your school's guidance counselor for recommendations.

2. Networking: Talk to your family, friends, teachers, and mentors to see if they know about internship opportunities available for high school students. Personal connections can often lead to great opportunities that might not be advertised elsewhere, including informal ones like helping out a friend's dad with filing work at his law office.

3. Job boards: There are several job boards that cater to high school students seeking internships. Websites like Indeed, Glassdoor, and LinkedIn can be useful in finding paid internship opportunities. Be sure to filter the search results based on your criteria, such as location, industry, and duration.

4. Online resources: Websites like Internships.com and Chegg Internships are designed specifically to help students find internships. Make sure to create a profile to receive updates on suitable internships in your area.

5. School resources: Your high school may have a career center or guidance office that can provide information about internships for students. Additionally, your school might have partnerships with local businesses that offer internships to students.

6. CollegeVine: CollegeVine has a range of blog posts listing internships for high school students in particular geographic regions, which you can find here: https://blog.collegevine.com/category/extracurricular-activities/internships/.

Once you find a paid internship you're interested in, remember to tailor your application materials, such as your resume and cover letter, to the specific internship you're applying for. This will help you stand out from other applicants and improve your chances of landing the opportunity. Good luck in your search!

9 months ago

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