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Best IB Chemistry books to prepare?

Hey everyone! I'll be taking IB Chemistry soon and I was wondering if you guys could recommend any good books or resources that you found really helpful in preparing for the subject. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

a year ago

Hey there! Great to hear you're gearing up for IB Chemistry. Having a solid grasp of the content and concepts is essential for success, and I've got a few suggestions for books and resources that may come in handy when preparing for the course.

1. Pearson Baccalaureate Chemistry (Higher Level) - This textbook is designed specifically for the IB Chemistry course. It covers all the essential topics in depth, while providing clear explanations, learning objectives, and practice exercises.

2. Oxford IB Diploma Programme Chemistry Course Companion - Another excellent resource specifically for IB Chemistry, this book by Oxford was written to closely follow the syllabus. It provides explanations of each topic, along with sample exam questions and solutions to help you practice.

3. Barron's IB Chemistry - This study guide is geared towards reviewing concepts for the IB exams. It has a condensed summary of the content along with practice questions that can help you gauge your level of understanding.

4. The Chemistry Is Everywhere Bundle (MSJChem) - This YouTube channel by an IB Chemistry teacher offers concise, easy-to-understand video lessons, which are super helpful for reviewing and visualizing some of the concepts.

Remember, it's not just about using books and resources - make sure to engage in class discussions, ask your teacher questions when you need clarification, and collaborate with your peers. Practicing regularly will help you understand the concepts on a deeper level, which will lead to more success in the subject. Best of luck with your studies!

a year ago

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