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Teaching the ACT: A Parent/Tutor Guide

Hey guys! My parents want to support me in prepping for the ACT, but they're not sure how to start. Any advice or resources you could recommend for parents or tutors to teach the ACT effectively? Much appreciated!

a year ago

Hey there! It's really nice to hear that your parents want to be involved in your ACT preparation journey. There are plenty of resources available to help them get started with teaching the ACT effectively.

Firstly, I'd recommend taking an initial practice test to assess your current skills and identify areas for improvement. There are free official practice tests available on the ACT website. This will provide a solid foundation for understanding the test structure, timing, and content.

Next, your parents can familiarize themselves with the test content and strategies for each section. Some useful resources include the 'Official ACT Prep Guide,' which comes with additional practice tests and explanations of test strategies.

Additionally, 'The Complete Guide to ACT English' and 'The Complete Guide to ACT Math' by Erica L. Meltzer and Richard F. Corn, respectively, are great supplementary resources for the English and Math sections.

Online resources such as Khan Academy and CollegeVine offer free instructional videos and practice materials as well. CollegeVine also provides a number of free resources, including its ACT guide and community forum, where you and your parents can ask questions and share experiences.

Finally, consider incorporating a mix of self-study, practice testing, and regular parent-guided lessons or check-ins. Remember that practice is key to improvement, and it takes time and dedication. Best of luck with your ACT prep!

a year ago

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