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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How to Apply to MIT

I'm really interested in MIT and want to make sure I'm doing everything right during the application process. Does anyone have any specific advice for applying to MIT that might be different from other schools? Thanks a lot!

a year ago

Hey! It's awesome that you're interested in MIT. As you embark on your application journey, here are some tips to help you navigate MIT's specific requirements:

1. MIT uses its own application platform, distinct from the Common App or Coalition App. Make sure to use MIT’s application portal. You will need to create an account and follow the instructions to submit all components of your application.

2. Instead of traditional personal statements, MIT has several short-answer questions. These questions are designed to help the admissions committee get to know you better, so be genuine and show your personality! Make sure to answer each question concisely and thoughtfully.

3. MIT requires an additional 'Maker Portfolio' for those who have significant accomplishments in project-based work. If you've worked on projects in fields like engineering, art, media, or computer science, consider submitting a Maker Portfolio to showcase your talents.

4. Interviews, while not required, are an important aspect of MIT’s application process. An interview can aid you during the admissions process, so try your best to schedule one. Make sure to prepare by researching the school, reflecting on your experiences, and thinking about future goals.

5. In addition to your regular application materials, you will need to submit two letters of recommendation: one from a math or science teacher, and one from a humanities, social science, or language teacher. Make sure to ask teachers who know you well and can speak to your strengths.

For more on MIT's requirements and deadlines, check out their site here:

Good luck with your application! I hope these tips help you feel more confident about applying to MIT.

a year ago

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