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Political Science Internships for High Schoolers

Hey everyone! I'm really interested in political science and I'm trying to find opportunities to explore it further during high school. Does anyone know about any internships or programs specifically for high school students? Thanks in advance!

9 months ago

Hey there! It's fantastic that you're interested in political science and seeking opportunities to engage with this field even in high school. There are indeed programs and internships available that cater to high school students. Here are a few suggestions for you to explore:

1. Local government offices: Reach out to your city or county government officials, like your mayor, city council members, or county commissioners. They often offer internships or shadowing opportunities for high school students to get a first-hand experience of local politics.

2. Congressional offices: Some U.S. Senators and Representatives host internship programs or volunteer opportunities for high school students, either in their district offices or in Washington D.C. Look up your elected officials' websites to see if they offer something suitable for you.

3. Summer programs: Several universities and institutions offer summer programs in political science or similar fields for high school students. Examples include the American University's Discover the World of Communication program, Stanford University's Summer Institutes, or Princeton's Summer Journalism Program. Keep in mind that these programs can be competitive and may come with a cost.

4. State-level programs: Some states offer programs like the YMCA Youth and Government or Junior State of America (JSA) that promote civic engagement and introduce high school students to the political process.

5. Campaign volunteering: Get involved with political campaigns at the local, state, or national level. By volunteering for a candidate you believe in, you'll gain valuable experience and insight into the electoral process.

6. Nonprofits and advocacy organizations: Many high school students intern or volunteer at nonprofit organizations involved in advocacy or social policy issues. These opportunities allow you to explore different aspects of politics and contribute to causes you care about.

For more internship opportunities, check out this list from CollegeVine: https://blog.collegevine.com/political-science-internships-for-high-school-students

For more ideas of political science-related extracurriculars, check out this article: https://blog.collegevine.com/extracurriculars-for-high-schoolers-interested-in-studying-political-science

Remember that opportunities may vary depending on your location and availability. Be proactive in reaching out to different organizations and offices to inquire about opportunities. Good luck with your search, and I hope you find a valuable experience in the field of political science!

9 months ago

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