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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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What Makes a Strong College Admission Essay?

Hey there! I'm starting to brainstorm ideas for my college admissions essays. Can anyone share some sample essays that got them into their dream schools or any tips on what to focus on while writing?

9 months ago

Hi! It's great that you're starting to brainstorm for your college admissions essays. A strong college admission essay does a few key things:

1. Reflects your authentic voice and personality: Admissions officers want to get to know you as an individual. Write in a way that showcases who you truly are, rather than trying to sound like someone else. Avoid jargon or overly formal language.

2. Tells a compelling story: A good essay often revolves around a personal anecdote or experience that sheds light on your character, values, or perspective. Choose a story that is unique or meaningful to you and use it to convey something deeper about yourself.

3. Has a clear focus: Instead of trying to cover too many topics or aspects of your life, focus on one central theme or idea. This will make your essay more coherent and impactful.

4. Demonstrates self-awareness and growth: Show how you've grown or learned from your experiences. This often involves reflecting on challenges or setbacks and discussing their impact on you.

5. Avoids clichés and overused topics: Common topics like sports victories, moving to a new school, or being an immigrant can be difficult to write about in a fresh way. If you choose to write about a popular topic, ensure your approach is unique and deeply personal.

For some more advice on writing all kinds of admissions essays, check out CollegeVine: https://blog.collegevine.com/category/essays/college-essay-tips/

Remember to proofread and revise your essay multiple times, get feedback from teachers or mentors, and give yourself plenty of time to create a polished final product. Good luck!

9 months ago

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