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Lehigh University supplemental essay

Hi, I'm planning to apply to Lehigh University in the future and I heard there's a supplemental essay as part of the application. What kind of questions do they usually ask? Any advice on what to focus on when writing it? Thank you so much!

a year ago

Hey there! You're right about Lehigh University having supplemental essays as part of their application. While the prompts may change from year to year, the intention behind the question is generally to learn more about your personality, values, and fit with Lehigh's community.

My advice for writing the Lehigh supplemental essays is to focus on your genuine interests and how they align with the University's offerings. Make sure to do some research on Lehigh's programs, resources, and values to provide specific examples of how you see yourself thriving there. This could include things like clubs, research opportunities, or unique courses. It's also crucial to demonstrate your personal growth and the impact you hope to have on the community.

For a detailed breakdown of Lehigh's current prompts and advice on how to respond to them all, check out this CollegeVine article:

Remember to be yourself while writing the essay, as admissions officers are interested in getting to know the real you. Good luck, and I hope this helps!

a year ago

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