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Paid internships for high school students in NYC

So, I'm looking for a paid internship in NYC for high school students in the fall. Specifically, I'd prefer something related to science or tech, but I'm open to other fields too. Any suggestions on where to look or what companies typically offer internships to high school students?

9 months ago

If you're looking for paid internships in NYC, it's great to hear you're open to various fields. It's essential to be flexible, as it can open up more opportunities. Here are some resources and tips to help you find the right internship:

1. Check local science and tech companies in NYC: Large tech companies or startups sometimes have high school internship programs. Do some research on specific companies in the area and check their career pages for internships or reach out to their HR departments.

2. Use internship search websites: Websites like Internships.com, Chegg, and WayUp can help you find internships for high school students. You can filter by location (NYC), industry (science, technology, or others), and whether the internship is paid or not.

3. Contact local universities and research institutions: Some universities, like NYU and Columbia, might have research programs that offer paid internships to high school students. Reach out to their research departments and inquire about any opportunities they have available.

4. Network with connections: Reach out to teachers, counselors, or family members who work in the science or tech fields and see if they know of any internship opportunities for high school students. Networking can sometimes lead to opportunities that might not be advertised.

5. Visit the Workforce1 Centers: These NYC-run centers help individuals find job opportunities, including internships. They may have listings for high school students and can provide resources or guidance on finding an internship.

Keep in mind that paid internships for high school students can sometimes be competitive, so it's essential to start your search early and have a strong resume showcasing your skills and interests. Don't be discouraged if you don't find the perfect paid internship right away—each experience, whether paid or unpaid, can provide valuable skills and knowledge for your future career. Best of luck on your search!

9 months ago

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