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SAT: 720 math
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NJ Summer Schools Recommendations

Hi all! I live in New Jersey and I'm looking for some summer academic programs or schools to boost my college application. Does anyone have recommendations for interesting summer programs or classes in the NJ area that I should explore?

a year ago

Hello! There are quite a few academic summer programs in New Jersey that you can explore to enhance your college application. Here are some recommendations:

1. Rutgers University offers a variety of pre-college programs in subjects like engineering, business, and the arts. Programs like the Summer Scholars Program and the Pre-Engineering Summer Academy provide opportunities to gain hands-on experience, earn college credit, and grow academically.

2. The New Jersey Governor's School is a free, highly competitive program that offers a four-week residential experience. There are three separate programs: Governor's School in the Sciences, Governor's School of Engineering & Technology, and Governor's School in the Arts. If you have a strong interest in a specific field and a solid academic background, you might consider applying to one of these programs.

3. Seton Hall University has a variety of summer programs for high school students focused on pre-law, sports business, entrepreneurship, and more. These programs allow you to engage with faculty and learn more about potential career paths.

4. Princeton University offers many summer programs, including the Princeton Summer Journalism Program. This program provides an intensive journalism and college preparatory workshop for high-achieving students from low-income backgrounds.

When considering summer programs, think about how the program aligns with your intended college major, overall academic interests and goals, or personal passions. And make sure to pick a program you'll be excited to commit to, as otherwise there's no point!

Have a great time exploring!

a year ago

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