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Ideas for Persuasion Essay Topics?

So, I'm working on a persuasion-based essay for one of my classes. Can you guys suggest some interesting topics I could argue about? I'm looking for something unique and engaging.

a year ago

You're on the right track, aiming for unique and engaging topics. Here are some ideas that could spark a great persuasion essay:

1. The impact of social media on mental health: Argue whether social media platforms contribute to negative effects on mental health and should be more strictly regulated.

2. The value of a college education: Argue for or against the necessity of obtaining a college degree, considering factors such as financial investment, job market trends, and personal growth.

3. Animal rights in entertainment: Debate the ethical implications of using animals in various forms of entertainment, like circuses, zoos, and marine parks.

4. The benefits and drawbacks of universal basic income: Argue for or against implementing a universal basic income to address wealth inequality and poverty.

5. Mandatory voting: Should voting be made compulsory in democratic countries to ensure maximum political engagement and representation?

6. Artificial intelligence replacing human jobs: Present your views on whether AI technology should be limited to certain fields or allowed to fully replace human labor across industries.

7. Sustainable development and climate change: Discuss the prioritization of sustainable development and combating climate change in national and international policy-making.

8. Censorship in media and creative works: Develop an argument for or against censorship, discussing its implications on freedom of expression, cultural representation, and morality.

9. Space exploration vs. Earth-focused initiatives: Compare the benefits of investing resources in space exploration against efforts to address pressing issues on Earth, such as climate change, poverty, or healthcare.

10. The role of redefined masculinity in modern society: Argue the importance of addressing and redesigning the concept of masculinity to promote gender equality, emotional intelligence, and mental well-being.

Remember, persuading your reader requires compelling evidence, logical arguments, and a clear understanding of potential counterarguments. Good luck with your essay!

a year ago

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