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Trigonometry vs Pre-Calculus: Which should I take?

Hey everyone! I'm trying to decide between taking trigonometry and pre-calculus next year. Can you give me some insight into the differences between the two and which one might be a better fit for me? I'm not really sure which one would be more beneficial for my college applications. Thanks in advance!

9 months ago

Hey there! Both trigonometry and pre-calculus are useful courses, but they serve different purposes in the scope of mathematics.

Trigonometry focuses on the relationships between the angles and sides of triangles. You'll learn about sine, cosine, tangent, and their applications in problem-solving. This course mainly helps with geometry, physics, and some engineering concepts.

On the other hand, pre-calculus is a broader course that covers various topics like functions, limits, sequences, complex numbers, and an introduction to derivatives. This course is designed to prepare you for more advanced mathematics like calculus, which is essential for many STEM fields.

In terms of college applications, pre-calculus is usually considered more rigorous and beneficial for your academic profile. It demonstrates readiness for college-level math, particularly if you plan to study in a STEM major. However, if you struggle with math or your planned major doesn't require much advanced math, taking trigonometry could still be valuable. It's essential to consider your strengths, interests, and intended major when deciding between the two.

Ultimately, it depends on your goals and interests. If you're looking to strengthen your math foundation before moving on to calculus, or you're pursuing a STEM field, pre-calculus might be the better option. However, if you want to enhance your understanding of geometric concepts or are not necessarily looking to dive into higher-level math, trigonometry could be a good choice. Remember to discuss your options with your counselor as well to ensure you make the best decision for your academic path.

9 months ago

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