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What's the TOEFL requirement for NYU?

I'm an international student considering applying to NYU, but I'm not sure about the TOEFL requirement score. Can anyone provide some information or advice on what score I should aim for to meet their requirements?

a year ago

NYU has a few specific TOEFL requirements that international students must meet for their application to be considered. These requirements are:

- Internet-based TOEFL (iBT): minimum total score of 100

- Internet-Based TOEFL Special Home Edition: minimum total score of 100

- Paper-delivered TOEFL: minimum overall score of 600

Keep in mind that achieving the minimum score does not guarantee admission, however, as NYU has a holistic admissions process and considers other factors like your GPA, extracurricular activities, and essays. Hitting these marks just ensures those other pieces of your application will be considered.

Finally, since NYU is a selective school, and wants to be sure that its students can thrive in an English-speaking environment, it's a good idea to aim for a score higher than the minimum requirement. The higher, the better, really.

I hope this information helps you as you prepare for the TOEFL and decide whether or not to apply to NYU. Good luck!

a year ago

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