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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Stanford vs Berkeley - pros and cons?

Hi everyone! I'm struggling to decide between these two schools: Stanford and UC Berkeley. Could you guys please help me figure out the pros and cons of each, especially regarding campus life, academics, and job opportunities? Thanks a bunch!

9 months ago

Hi there! Both Stanford and UC Berkeley are amazing schools, each with their unique advantages. I'll do my best to break down the pros and cons of both in terms of campus life, academics, and job opportunities:

Campus Life:


- Pros: Beautiful campus, residential experience designed to foster community, strong athletic culture, close to Silicon Valley

- Cons: Can be seen as somewhat isolated, no urban environment directly accessible


- Pros: Vibrant college town with diverse activities, strong emphasis on activism and social engagement, close to San Francisco

- Cons: Higher crime rate in the surrounding area, larger student population can result in a less intimate experience



- Pros: Personalized and interdisciplinary focus, abundant resources, small class sizes for a more intimate learning experience, strong emphasis on undergraduate research opportunities

- Cons: Intense workload, potential for a competitive atmosphere


- Pros: Excellent flagship public research university, strong programs across various disciplines, great faculty, and extensive course offerings

- Cons: Larger class sizes, sometimes tough competition to get into desired classes, limited personalized advising

Job Opportunities:


- Pros: Strong alumni network and job placement record, proximity to Silicon Valley creates numerous internships and job opportunities, great career advising resources, start-up culture

- Cons: Some industries might be less represented, particularly outside of tech


- Pros: Equally strong alumni network, connections to a range of industries, great location for job searching, especially in the Bay Area

- Cons: Public university may mean fewer on-campus resources for job hunting compared to Stanford, larger student population could result in fewer opportunities per student ratio

Ultimately, your personal preferences and interests are important factors in deciding between these two distinguished schools. Best of luck in making your decision!

9 months ago

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