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Trying to find UChicago past essay prompts?

Hey, I'm starting to work on my UChicago application, and I've heard they have some pretty unique prompts for their essays. I wanna see what previous years' prompts looked like for inspiration. Does anyone know where I can find them? Thanks in advance!

9 months ago

Hey there! You're right, UChicago is known for its creative and quirky essay prompts. In fact, they often release several prompts you can choose from each application season. To find a list of the past prompts, I'd recommend visiting the University of Chicago's official admissions website; they typically have an archive of essay prompts from previous years for you to review.

Another resource you can check out is CollegeVine. They have an essay prompt database that can help you find not only UChicago's previous prompts, but prompts from other schools as well. You can look at these old and current essay prompts here: https://www.collegevine.com/category/essay-breakdowns/university-of-chicago

As you go through these past prompts, remember to have fun with your essay and showcase your personality! UChicago definitely appreciates a creative approach. Best of luck with your application!

9 months ago

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