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SAT: 720 math
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National Youth Leadership Program: Worth it?

Hey guys, I was recently invited to join a National Youth Leadership Program. I'm wondering if it's actually worth participating in? Will it help me stand out in the college admissions process? Any of you have experience with these programs?

a year ago

I understand your curiosity about the value of the National Youth Leadership Program in the college admissions process. While participating in such a program can indeed be a valuable experience, it may not necessarily provide you with a significant edge in the admissions process. These programs are typically viewed as Tier 3 or Tier 4 extracurriculars—an opportunity to show your interests, leadership skills, or involvement in a variety of activities.

However, keep in mind that top colleges often prioritize applicants with highly-developed specialties or notable accomplishments (Tier 1 or Tier 2 extracurriculars). In other words, they're looking for students who have demonstrated exceptional achievements or leadership on a more significant scale.

That being said, if the National Youth Leadership Program aligns with your interests and you believe there's potential for you to develop your skills or network with like-minded individuals, it could be worth considering. Just don't expect it to be the primary factor that sways an admissions decision.

It's important to focus on pursuing activities and opportunities that align with your passions and allow you to develop a clear "spike" in your application. For example, if you're interested in a specific field, such as environmental sustainability, consider engaging in local initiatives, conducting research, or working in a lab to delve deeper into it. These experiences may resonate more strongly with the admissions officers and reflect your true passion for your chosen field.

To wrap up, while the National Youth Leadership Program may not provide a significant advantage in college admissions, it can still be a valuable experience if it aligns with your interests and passions. Keep in mind that colleges value applicants who wholeheartedly pursue their interests and make an impact in their chosen fields. Focus on activities that allow you to showcase your strengths and demonstrate a commitment to your passions.

a year ago

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