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UC PIQ leadership example help

Hey! I'm working on my UC PIQs and need some help with the leadership prompt. I've held a couple of leadership positions, but I'm not sure what experience to focus on. Can anyone share any tips or examples on how they explained their leadership experiences? Thanks a ton!

a year ago

Hi there! When selecting a leadership experience to discuss in your PIQ, it's essential to choose a situation that had a significant impact on you and allowed you to demonstrate your leadership skills effectively. Here are a few tips and a sample example to help you with your answer:

1. Choose an experience that highlights your growth: Instead of focusing on an achievement or a title, consider discussing a challenge that allowed you to grow as a leader and exhibit problem-solving or decision-making skills. Maybe you showed the most leadership without ever holding a formal title, for example you became a mentor to underclassmen even after you lost the presidential election for your club.

2. Focus on the "how" and "why": It's not just about describing your accomplishments but also explaining how you achieved them and why they mattered to you personally. Really delve into your mindset and emotions to convey these ideas.

3. Show impact: Discuss the positive outcomes that resulted from your leadership, whether that be on your peers, the community, or even yourself.

Example: Let's say you were the president of your school's environmental club, and your team wanted to raise awareness about plastic waste and promote recycling. You could describe how you collaborated with members to brainstorm ideas and then decided to create an art installation using single-use plastic bottles collected from the school. Explain the challenges you faced in coordinating the project and how you worked with your team to overcome them. You might also mention that the art installation garnered attention and led to a significant increase in recycling rates at your school, inspiring other students to support environmental initiatives. This showcases your leadership, teamwork, creativity, and ability to make a difference in your community.

Remember to keep your answer personal and reflective. Admissions committees are interested in understanding your unique perspective and how you've grown through your experiences. Good luck with your PIQs!

a year ago

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