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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Thoughts on the Academy of Future Physicians and Medical Scientists?

Has anyone participated in the Academy of Future Physicians and Medical Scientists program? I'm interested in medical science, and I'm wondering if participating in this program would be worth it and look good on my college application. Any insights would be much appreciated!

9 months ago

I have seen students participate in the Academy of Future Physicians and Medical Scientists program, and it seems that the experience can be beneficial for those interested in medical science. It exposes you to a variety of topics in the field, gives you an opportunity to hear from experienced speakers, and expands your network with like-minded peers. That being said, it's worth noting that the program itself isn't particularly exclusive or unique, so it won't inherently make your college application stand out.

When it comes to college applications, colleges generally value extracurricular activities with demonstrated long-term commitment, leadership, and impact. For example, if you were involved in a school science club, held a leadership position, and initiated a research project, that would likely be more valuable on your application than a one-time program.

However, the Academy of Future Physicians and Medical Scientists program could provide you with insight into the field and potentially spark ideas for projects or further involvement in medical science. You might want to consider participating in the program if it genuinely interests you and you can afford the cost and time commitment.

In summary, while this program alone might not drastically boost your college application, it can enhance your knowledge of the medical field and give you ideas for future involvement. What's truly important is showing colleges your passion and dedication in the long run through various extracurricular activities and achievements.

9 months ago

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