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Yale admissions interview advice?

Hey guys, just got an email about my upcoming Yale interview. I'm kinda nervous, so I was wondering if anyone could give me some tips or advice on what to expect and how to prepare for it. Thanks a lot!

a year ago

First of all, congratulations on landing the interview! This is a great opportunity to share more about yourself and to learn more about Yale. To help you prepare, here are a few tips:

1. Research Yale thoroughly: Make sure you have a solid understanding of what makes Yale unique, from its academic programs to its extracurricular offerings. Be prepared to discuss why Yale is a good fit for you and vice versa. Connecting your interests and goals with specific programs and opportunities at Yale will demonstrate your genuine interest in the school.

2. Practice common interview questions: While every interview is different, you can find some common questions, as well as strategies for how to tackle them, on CollegeVine's blog ( Practice answering these questions in a clear, concise, and natural manner.

3. Prepare thoughtful questions: At the end of the interview, you'll likely have the opportunity to ask your interviewer questions. This is a chance to show your curiosity and genuine interest in Yale. Develop thoughtful, specific questions about Yale and its community, or inquire about the interviewer's experiences at the university.

4. Dress appropriately: Whether the interview is conducted online or in person, it’s important to present yourself professionally. Dressing in business casual attire (e.g., dress shirt and slacks, or a dress) is usually appropriate—put together, but not too formal.

5. Be punctual and respectful: Arrive early or log in to your virtual interview ahead of time to ensure everything runs smoothly. Remember to be polite and respectful to your interviewer, and thank them for their time afterward.

6. Be yourself: Remember that the interview is an opportunity for the interviewer to get to know the real you, so be genuine, authentic, and reflect on your own experiences and perspectives. Avoid giving "canned" or overly rehearsed answers. Instead, connect your responses to personal experiences and anecdotes.

Finally, if you want a more concrete idea of what your Yale interview might look like, you can read a firsthand account of one applicant's experience on CollegeVine's blog: Best of luck with your Yale interview—I'm sure you'll do great!

a year ago

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