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100-point GPA calculator

Hey everyone, my school uses a 100-point scale for our GPA. I want to get an idea of how it converts to the 4.0 scale used by most colleges. Do you know a reliable online calculator or method I could use to do this conversion?

9 months ago

Hello! Converting your GPA on a 100-point scale to a 4.0 scale can be a bit tricky, but there are some general rules of thumb you can follow. There are online calculators available to help with the conversion, but it's important to keep in mind that each high school and college may calculate and weigh GPAs differently. One reliable calculator for this purpose is offered by CollegeVine, which you can find on their website.

For a quick estimation without using a calculator, you can use the following guideline:

- A score between 90-100 is roughly equivalent to an A, or 4.0.

- A score between 80-89 is roughly equivalent to a B, or 3.0.

- A score between 70-79 is roughly equivalent to a C, or 2.0.

- A score between 60-69 is roughly equivalent to a D, or 1.0.

- A score below 60 is considered an F or 0.0.

Of course, these values can vary depending on the specific grading standards at your school and how colleges interpret your GPA. To get a more accurate conversion, it's always a good idea to consult your high school counselor, who can provide more guidance based on your specific situation and school system.

Keep in mind that many colleges also consider the rigor of your coursework and other factors (like extracurricular activities, essays, and standardized test scores) alongside your GPA when making admissions decisions. It's important to focus on building a strong application beyond just your GPA, too! Good luck!

9 months ago

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