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What should I major in to become a pharmacist?

Hello everyone! I'm interested in becoming a pharmacist but I'm not exactly sure what I should be majoring in when I go to college. Is there a specific major that is preferred for pharmacy school, or are there multiple paths? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

9 months ago

Hello! It's great that you're considering a career as a pharmacist. In order to pursue this career path, you'll need to complete certain undergraduate coursework and then attend pharmacy school to earn a Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) degree.

There isn't a specific major required for pharmacy school, as long as you complete the prerequisite courses required for admissions. These prerequisites typically include courses in biology, general and organic chemistry, physics, math, English, and some social sciences.

Some students choose to major in closely related fields such as biology, chemistry, or biochemistry, as many of the prerequisite courses align with those majors. However, you can choose any major, as long as you fulfill the required coursework.

When selecting a major, think about your interests and strengths, as well as how it might complement your career goals. Keep in mind that pharmacy schools value a diverse student body and having a major other than the more common science-oriented ones can help you stand out.

Remember, in addition to completing the prerequisite courses, you'll need to maintain a competitive GPA, gain relevant experience (such as through internships or job shadowing), and do well on the Pharmacy College Admission Test (PCAT), if it's required by the pharmacy schools you're interested in.

In summary, there is no specific major required for pharmacy school, but it's essential to complete the prerequisite courses and maintain a strong academic record. Choose a major that aligns with your interests and gives you the opportunity to excel in your undergraduate studies. Good luck on your journey towards becoming a pharmacist!

9 months ago

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