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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Max GPA You Can Get?

Hi, just a quick question - what's the highest GPA you can get in high school? I know the regular scale goes up to 4.0, but how does it work with weighted classes and AP courses?

a year ago

The highest GPA you can get in high school will likely vary depending on your high school's grading scale for weighted classes and Advanced Placement (AP) courses. There are typically two types of GPA scales: unweighted and weighted. The unweighted scale goes up to a 4.0, as you mentioned, and assigns each letter grade a value within that scale (e.g., A = 4.0, B = 3.0, etc.).

Weighted GPA scales, on the other hand, account for the added difficulty of advanced courses like AP or honors classes. Most commonly, weighted GPA scales go up to a 5.0, but some schools may use different scales, such as a 6.0 scale. With weighted scales, taking a more rigorous course can result in a higher value for an A, usually 5.0 for an AP class and 4.5 for honors.

However, keep in mind that each high school may have its own system for calculating weighted GPAs, so it's essential to consult your school's specific guidelines. It's also worth noting that colleges often recalculate students' GPAs according to their internal weighted scales, considering the rigor of courses and comparing students in the context of their high schools.

Overall, don't worry too much about achieving the "max GPA," but rather, aim for academic excellence in a course load that challenges you and highlights your strengths. Good luck in your academic journey!

a year ago

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