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UC Berkeley Supplemental Essay Advice?

I'm working on my UC Berkeley supplemental essay and I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. Can anyone who's been through the process share any advice, insights, or examples of what worked for them? Thank you!

9 months ago

Sure, I'd be happy to share some advice for writing the UC Berkeley supplemental essay! Keep in mind that UC Berkeley, like all of the University of California (UC) schools, uses the same UC Personal Insight Questions (PIQs) as prompts for their essays. You will need to choose four of the eight prompts and write 350-word essays for each. Here's a quick breakdown of some tips and strategies to write a strong essay:

1. Be authentic and personal: The admissions officers are looking for a glimpse into your life, experiences, and personality. Try to be genuine in your responses, and focus on topics that you are passionate about or have greatly influenced you. Use a unique voice to make the essays memorable.

2. Show, don't tell: Use descriptive language and anecdotes to illustrate your points. For example, instead of just stating that you're dedicated to community service, write about a specific project you've led, its impact, and what you've learned from the experience.

3. Choose diverse topics: With four essays, you have the opportunity to showcase different aspects of your life, interests, and character. Avoid covering the same topic more than once, and try to strike a balance between academic, extracurricular, and personal experiences.

4. Be strategic about your prompt choices: Pick the prompts that you feel will best enable you to share meaningful aspects of your life, while also demonstrating your potential contribution to the UC Berkeley community. Think about each prompt from the perspective of which stories you can tell in a compelling and informative way.

For example, if you're responding to the prompt asking about a time you've failed or faced challenges, rather than just talking about a bad grade or losing in a competition, focus on the lessons you've learned and the resilience you showed in overcoming the setback. Describe the actions you took and the positive outcomes that followed. This will help your essay stand out and demonstrate personal growth and determination to succeed, even when faced with adversity.

9 months ago

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