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What's the difference between Stanford's supplement essays and those of other schools?

So I'm in the process of researching colleges and I came across Stanford's supplement essays. Can someone give me an idea of how they differ from other schools' essays and what specifically Stanford is looking for in these essays? Thanks!

a year ago

Stanford's supplement essays are known for their unique and creative prompts, which aim to give applicants an opportunity to showcase their personalities, interests, and values beyond their academic achievements. While many schools may have similar essay topics that focus on personal growth, academic interests, or community involvement, Stanford seeks to challenge applicants to think outside the box.

Some well-known Stanford supplement essay prompts include:

1. What matters to you, and why?

2. The Stanford community is deeply curious and driven to learn in and out of the classroom. Reflect on an idea or experience that makes you genuinely excited about learning.

3. Write a letter to your future roommate that reveals something about you or that will help your roommate—and us—know you better.

4. What historical event do you wish you could witness?

These prompts are different from other schools' essays in that they encourage applicants to be more reflective and demonstrate their thought processes, creativity, and ability to convey their ideas effectively. Stanford is looking for students who can bring a diverse perspective and a multidimensional aspect to its campus, so use these essays as an opportunity to highlight your unique experiences and passions.

It's important to note that even though the prompts may be more unconventional, the basic principles of good essay-writing still apply. Your responses should be well-organized, concise, and genuinely reflective of your interests and values. Make an effort to bring your personality to life through your writing and avoid generic or cliché statements.

a year ago

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