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UNLV Room and Board Costs?

Hello! I'm considering UNLV as one of my top choices for college. I was just wondering if someone could give me an idea of the current room and board costs. Are the dorms worth the price? Any recommendations on which housing options to choose? Thanks!

a year ago

Hello! It's great that you're considering UNLV as one of your top choices. As of the 2022-2023 academic year, the room and board costs for UNLV are approximately $10,990 per academic year, which includes a meal plan. Keep in mind that prices may change each year due to inflation and other factors, so it's important to double-check with the University for updated cost information closer to your enrollment date.

Regarding the quality of the dorms, this can be very subjective. Some students find the dorms to be worth the price, while others might prefer off-campus housing. Living on campus does offer certain advantages, such as easy access to classes, campus resources, and the opportunity to be a part of the college community.

When it comes to choosing housing options, UNLV offers a variety of residential choices, each with its own unique features. First-year students typically live in the Dayton Complex or Tonopah Complex, which both have shared and private room options. Upperclassmen and graduate students may opt for the South Complex or the Legacy LV apartments, which offer apartment-style living arrangements and more independence.

If you're looking for recommendations, consider your preferences and priorities. If you value being close to academic buildings and amenities, the Dayton or Tonopah Complex might be ideal. If you prefer a more independent living experience, South Complex or Legacy LV might be a better fit.

I would recommend visiting the UNLV housing website for a detailed comparison of housing options and to take virtual tours of the various residential complexes. You can also reach out to current students to get their insights and feedback on what it's like to live on campus.

I hope this information helps! Good luck with your college search.

a year ago

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