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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Rising freshman: what exactly does that mean?

Hey everyone! So I've seen the term 'rising freshman' around, and I just wanted to clarify what it means. Does it mean a student who is about to start their freshman year of high school or someone who just finished their freshman year?

9 months ago

Hello! The term "rising freshman" refers to a student who is about to start their freshman year of high school. In other words, they have completed 8th grade (or the equivalent) and will be entering high school in the upcoming school year.

The term is used during the summer break or leading up to the start of the new academic year, as it signifies the transition from middle school to high school. Similarly, you might come across other "rising" terms like "rising sophomore," "rising junior," or "rising senior," which refer to students advancing to the next grade level in high school.

9 months ago

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