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Ideas for UW Community Essay?

Hi all! I'm starting to work on my University of Washington application and I'm a little uncertain about the community essay. What ideas or experiences would be good to include in this essay? Would love some input!

9 months ago

It's great to hear that you're working on your University of Washington application! For the community essay, the admissions committee is interested in learning more about your experiences and how they have shaped your understanding of community and your role within it. Here are a few ideas to help you brainstorm for this essay:

1. A community project or service: If you have been involved in a meaningful project, event, or service activity that has benefited your community, this could be a valuable experience to write about. Discuss the impact of the project, the challenges you faced, and what you learned about the importance of community engagement.

2. Personal experience within a community: Write about a time when you felt connected to a specific community or a group of people. This could be a cultural, social, or professional community. Explain how that connection has helped you grow or has inspired you to contribute to it positively.

3. Overcoming challenges as a community member: If you have faced and overcome adversity within a community, writing about that experience can showcase your resilience and determination. Describe the challenge, how your community supported you, and how you, in turn, supported others in a similar situation.

4. Developing your sense of community responsibility: Reflect on an experience that led you to develop a strong sense of responsibility towards your community. This could be related to environmental sustainability, social justice, or education. Discuss the specific actions you took to contribute to positive change and what you learned from it.

5. An opportunity to appreciate diversity: If you have had an experience where you were exposed to different cultures, backgrounds, or perspectives within a community, write about how it influenced your views and increased your understanding of diversity and inclusion.

Be sure to check out CollegeVine's guide to tackling the UW essays: https://blog.collegevine.com/how-to-write-the-university-of-washington-essays

Whatever idea or experience you choose to write about, make sure to focus on the impact it has had on your understanding of community and your personal growth. Also, try to connect your experiences with the values and environment at the University of Washington, showing how you'll contribute to and benefit from being a part of their community.

Good luck with your essay!

9 months ago

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