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What are some examples of great personal statements for the Common App?

I know this is kind of a big ask, but I'm having a lot of trouble coming up with a topic for my Common App essay. Could anyone share some examples of strong personal statements they've seen (without copying, of course)? I just need inspiration to help spark my own ideas.

a year ago

Certainly, it's essential to choose a unique and personal topic for your Common App essay. CollegeVine has compiled a collection of Common App personal statements that real students have submitted:

Remember that the key is to write about an experience or topic that genuinely reflects who you are and what matters to you. Here are some other ideas:

1. A transformative experience: Discuss a life event or experience that led to personal growth, changes to your perspective on life, or a deeper understanding of yourself. For example, you might have traveled somewhere that challenged your beliefs or helped you discover a new passion.

2. Overcoming adversity: Write about a challenge or obstacle you faced and how you overcame it. This could include a personal or family issue, or a hardship you faced in your community or school environment. Focus on what you learned from the experience and how it shaped your character.

3. A passion or hobby: Share a story that demonstrates your passion and commitment to a particular hobby, interest, or cause. Explain why it's important to you and how you've developed this passion over time. For example, maybe you've spent years learning a musical instrument and share a memorable experience from a performance or competition.

4. An influential person: Write about someone who has had a significant impact on your life, whether it's a family member, teacher, coach, or friend. Describe how they've influenced you and the lessons you've learned from them.

5. A unique perspective: Share a personal insight, perspective, or belief that shapes your worldview and sets you apart from others. For example, perhaps you have a unique cultural background, or you've experienced something that has given you a distinct perspective on a particular issue.

When selecting a topic, remember to make it personal and genuine. The goal is to showcase your authentic self, so dig deep and reflect on what matters most to you. If you can weave the theme or experience you choose into a narrative, it will make your essay more engaging and memorable for the admissions committee. Good luck!

a year ago

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