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AP Chinese Cultural Presentation Rubric?

Hi everyone! I've got a question about the AP Chinese exam. I'm working on my cultural presentation, and I was just wondering if anyone has a detailed rubric or guide they can share. It'd really help me make sure I'm covering everything I should be. Thanks!

9 months ago

Hello! For the AP Chinese Cultural Presentation, it's important to focus on organization, content, language, and delivery, as these are the main areas of evaluation. Here's a rough outline of what you should keep in mind while working on your presentation:

1. Organization:

- Clear and logical structure (introduction, main points, and conclusion)

- Effective use of transitions to connect ideas smoothly

- Appropriate pacing and time management

2. Content:

- Relevant and accurate information regarding the cultural topic

- Inclusion of well-researched examples, facts, and/or opinions that support your main points

- Addresses the prompt or question effectively, showing your understanding of Chinese culture

3. Language:

- Accurate use of Mandarin, including grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structures

- Use of appropriate language registers (polite/formal/informal)

- Varied sentence structures and cohesive devices to make your presentation more engaging

4. Delivery:

- Clear and natural pronunciation, including correct tones

- Effective use of non-verbal cues (body language, gestures, facial expressions)

- Well-paced, confident, and engaging presentation style

Please note that this outline is not an official rubric but rather a guide to help you cover key aspects of your cultural presentation. It's wise to review the College Board's official guidelines and any resources your teacher might have provided as well.

For more information on this exam click here: https://blog.collegevine.com/ultimate-guide-to-the-ap-chinese-language-and-culture-exam

Good luck with your presentation! Remember to practice, familiarize yourself with the content, and maintain a confident demeanor during your presentation.

9 months ago

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