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SAT: 720 math
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AP class weight impact on GPA?

Hey folks, I was just wondering how taking AP classes can affect my GPA. Do colleges usually consider the weighted GPA, or do they focus more on the unweighted? Also, how much extra weight do AP classes get compared to other classes?

a year ago

Hey there! When it comes to AP classes and GPA, different high schools handle GPA weighting differently. In many schools, AP classes are given an extra point, so an A in an AP class will be weighted as a 5.0 instead of a 4.0. However, this can vary based on your school's specific system.

In terms of college admissions, colleges might look at both your weighted and unweighted GPA. However, the more important factor is actually your course rigor. Admissions officers want to see that you've challenged yourself by taking rigorous classes, like AP courses, and your transcript will reflect this. Your unweighted GPA is still important as it demonstrates your overall academic performance without the extra boost from AP classes.

Many colleges will also recalculate your GPA based on their own weighting system, which can take various factors into account, such as honors and AP classes. So, don't stress too much about whether they are looking at weighted or unweighted GPA; instead, focus on taking challenging courses and maintaining strong grades in those classes.

In summary, taking AP classes can positively impact your weighted GPA, but more importantly, they demonstrate to colleges your willingness to take on challenging coursework. Admissions officers consider both weighted and unweighted GPAs, but ultimately, your course rigor and strong performance in those classes are what matters most.

a year ago

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