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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How do colleges weigh your high school years?

Hey, just curious, which year of high school do colleges look at the most during the admissions process? I've heard they emphasize junior year, but is that true? Thanks for any insights!

a year ago

It's true that junior year is often considered a crucial year in the college admissions process, but colleges evaluate the entirety of your high school record when making decisions. Each year in high school plays a role in showcasing your academic performance, growth, and commitment. Here's a breakdown of how your high school years may be weighed:

- Freshman year: Because it's the furthest from your college application, freshman year is considered the least relevant. However, it is still important, especially in terms of academic progress. It provides a baseline for your high school performance and can demonstrate improvement or consistency in your grades across all four years.

- Sophomore year: As you continue to progress through high school, sophomore year is an opportunity to either maintain a strong academic record or show improvement from your freshman year. Furthermore, this is a time when many students start exploring extracurricular activities and developing their interests.

- Junior year: Junior year is often emphasized because it's the most recent full academic year before submitting applications. Colleges look more closely at the rigor of courses taken, your grades, and your involvement in extracurriculars, as this year demonstrates your ability to take on college-level work. Additionally, standardized tests like the SAT and ACT are often taken during this year.

- Senior year: Although your entire senior year might not be available to colleges when you apply, your first semester or quarter grades matter. Colleges want to see that you continue to challenge yourself with demanding courses and maintain a strong academic performance throughout your high school career. A decline in senior year grades may give admissions officers pause.

As you can see, each year matters in its own right. The key is to maintain a consistent performance across the board and show improvement whenever possible.

a year ago

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